Tuesday 25 August 2015

European summer research presentations at International Conferences in Computer Sciences (HCI)

I was back in the West during the Summer-time up there (ours in Namibia commences now-now).
This European and a bit North American* (*below, though virtual) sojourn can be summarised as follows as far as I am concerned:

Currently undertaking a funded PhD in Computer Sciences at UWL in London, my research project happens in Indigenous Namibia. Here I study the way in which the artefact called Persona in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) differs, or not, across cultures.

The reason being for this European trip was in order to present my research up to then as for the MPhil to PhD transfer at my university up there, and also to attend x3 international research conferences where mine and my colleagues' research was picked-up and presented as follows:
(1)HWID'15 International Conference in London, United Kingdom;
(2)C&T'15 in Limerick, Ireland; and
(3)SIGDOC'15 back in Limerick.
Whereas the criticism and acceptance of the papers at the first two conferences was rather promising [based on the fact it is still research in progress] and very encouraging, at the SIGDOC'15 I [we, for I am part of a full international and interdisciplinary team] won the runner-up price at the ACM's SIGDOC'15 SRC.
Winners of the SIGDOC'15 SRC
Winners of the SRC @ SIGDOC 2015, Limerick, Ireland.
Photo by Bryan Lutz, Iowa State University.

This also came accompanied by being selected by InfiniteDeviation & Google among the best ten film proposal to make a short-movie about Computer Science & Education. At this one, yet, we did not win the finals in Hollywood, but we did try out, hard
Back in Namibia, I am glad to state that on the very last day of July, I won the 1st price to the best poster presentation on the Research Day at the Namibia University of Science & Technology, School of Computing and Informatics, where I currently keep carrying out my research.
Right-right now what I can say is that I am close, very, to finish (1)the editing of a chapter for a book soon to be published by Springer based on the paper presented at the HWID (full proceedings, p.49), (2)a mini-thesis for my PhD, (3)programming and launching a website of my own, and soon after that (4)to resume editing a series of biographical films on Spanish Dance & Flamenco that I wrote, directed and produced at the time (http://danzafilms.com).

Ten best proposal towards Grand Prix that, this time around, we did not get :)
 Hope for the above to all make sense and that it inspires [any] others as much as it inspires myself to keep on this very path!
For more on mine and my team's published papers:
I am Daniel G. Cabrero, following upon the tail and academic achievements of accomplished  academics of the present and of the future to come!